Laos (26/02/2024 – 02/03/2024)

Pdf. A quick solo trip to Laos, a nation that is ornithologically rather underexplored. My birding targets included the endemic Bare-faced Bulbul, almost endemic Sooty Babbler, habitat specific Limestone Leaf Warbler, isolated population of Green-backed Tit, and call me unrealistic, but Spot-bellied Eagle-owl. The Laotian Langur, while not a feathered animal, was high on my … Continue reading Laos (26/02/2024 – 02/03/2024)

Trip report: Lombok and Sumba, Indonesia (03/08/2019 – 10/08/2019)

This report puts together details from my first ever trip to Wallacea that I embarked on together with three other hardcore birders. We birded Lombok independently for two days and then Sumba for the rest of the trip with the help of a coordinator and several local guides.